Refund & Return Policy

Return Policy

You have 5 days for chilled products and 10 days for frozen products to notify us via email if you wish to return an item after receiving it. To be eligible for a return, the product must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. Your item must be in the original packaging and if its opened, please email us and notifying the defect for next steps. If a wrong item was delivered, we will replace the correct product within 2-3 working days. We will work with you to determine the best time for us to pick up the item.

Refund Policy

After we have received your item in our Cold Store, we will examine it and determine how best to proceed. Elfab Co LLC reserves the right to make the decision about a product replacement or a refund. If a product is to be re-delivered, we will deliver the product to you. If a refund is determined to be appropriate, we will initiate refund within 1 day after product collection and the amount will be credited back to your account within 3-5 business days.